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CALL US: 956-292-1696

Image by Mitchell Luo


A little about 956 Woodworks

have you ever watched a video and said "I can do that", well I did and 6 months now here I am. I took an interest into woodworking and have spent most of my free time learning how to create, plan and execute designs that push me to a new level of craftsmanship and creativity for each piece that I do as they are usually unique. 

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I create Modern and Farmhouse custom furniture to my clients specifications as well as generally made pieces for those who appreciate handcrafted quality furniture that will last them years of enjoyment.

Woodturned Artistic bowls

I create woodturned artistic bowls for all sorts of decor. These pieces are a good example of form and function.

Handmade Kitchen products 

I love to create handmade custom products for your home such as cutting boards, stove covers and other handcrafted items for your needs.

956 Woodworks created by Dan Lopez

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